visit the farm

At Red Gate Farm, children learn to care for animals, tend gardens, and maintain forest trails. Students plant seeds in the garden, herd sheep, collect eggs, build trails, and so much more during their stay. Each activity deepens their emotional and social development and strengthens their sense of their own capabilities.

Thank you for everyone that attended the our open house events! We enjoyed sharing the farm with you. Additional open houses will be held late in spring 2023.

If you are interested in visiting the farm please contact Jody or call the farm office at 413-625-9503

what people are saying

“It was amazing to witness kids, some of whom had never ventured out of the city, become totally transformed by this experience. They embraced the hard work of farm chores, exploration of the farm’s surrounding land, and really seemed to grow overnight in kindness and enthusiams”
- parent chaperone

“Throughout the school year, Red Gate Farm is always a point of reference for our students whether it be inspiration in writing assignments, engagement in a mathematical word problem, or bringing science to life. Our students’ experiences at Red Gate do not end on the bus ride home, yet help us educators bring their
curriculum to life in the classroom” - visiting 4th grade teacher

“I had a BLAST at Red Gate Farm. I liked doing chores and cleaning, it was THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE” - 5th grade student